Stanford Tour Group 3 16 July Day 7
A visit to the SLAC Laboratory kick-started the day. Tour guides introduced us to the high-end technology at the SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory.
We had a great opportunity to see a two-mile long building where the Electron Accelerator resides, the Kylstron Gallery, rectangular waveguides and other equipments.
Our groupmates learning about the scientific research and innovation SLAC lab does.
We learnt the theory behind how the electrons were accelerated and how the research contributed to the scientific field. The lab also lent out some of its equipment to other scientists all over the world.
Visiting the SLAC Lab |
Interior of the two mile long building |
Adding on to the day, our group had a lesson on the Principles of Cognitive Neuroscience. It was essentially on how the brain functioned and how brain activity is studied by neuroscientist. Mr. Ceaser, our course instructor created an interactive class by showing us some Brain training activities where all our brains were challenged. The lecture was highly-informative and we all learnt the basics of neuroscience.
A picuture with our course instructor - Mr. Alan Ceaser
To end the day, during our free time, we played the game - Capture the Flag. Basically we had to run across our opponents’ field, capture the flag and run back to our field without being caught by the opposing team. The teams consisted of people from different countries and also residential counselors which proves to us again that sports is the best way to bond with people. We had a fun time and we developed a life-long friendship between all of us!
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