Group 4 Day 11

In the morning, we had the Dadaist Games class. Each of us wrote a mad lib about our first impression of Stanford University and then exchanged our work to fill in blanks. We shared our finished work and laughed together as the mad libs were hilarious. We wrote poems by passing sheets of paper with a question on top to start the poem, and also by erasure of magazine articles. It was a brand new experience for us to write poems using these methods and we appreciated each other's work. The fun class activities encouraged us to be creative in writing and boosted our interest in literature.
Sharing our poems with our classmates
Taking a photo after our lesson

In our Optical Phenomena class, the intriguing activities granted us an opportunity to gain knowledge while having fun. Apart from the reflection and refraction of light, we also learnt about the coherence and polarisation of light. The phenomenon that fascinated us the most was the naturally fluorescent turmeric glowing with a vibrant green colour in the dark under ultraviolet light. Although we found these phenomena complicated at first, the instructor made use of analogies of people travelling between two places to help us understand the new concepts better. It was rewarding to learn new things that haven't been covered at school yet.

The turmeric glows under ultraviolet light!

Taking a photo after our lesson

Today marked the end of the eye-opening classes in the Stanford Tour and we've learnt and gained more than we have imagined in the classes of the past two weeks. We are going to present our Global Solutions Project tomorrow and we hope that everything will go well! 


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