Stanford Tour 2018 Day 7 Group 6

Stanford Tour 2018 Day 7 Group 6

16th July,2018

Today we had the once in a lifetime opportunity to experience the SLAC visit and had a entrepreneurial business lesson. Both enriched our knowledge and helped us learn much more about science and business.

We first went to the SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, which is a laboratory that focuses on experiments in the physics field. We were introduced to the 3-km-long Klystron Gallery and the beamline Accelerator. The things we learnt from the tour evoked and encouraged us to explore science from different perspectives. We were surprised that some people are so devoted to science and spent so much time on experimenting physics. Overall, we were amazed by the scientific knowledge and their curiosity in discovering new improvements in acceleration machines.

We then had the Business Entrepreneur lesson where we had the opportunity to unleash our imaginations and let them run wild. We had to design a backpack that is revolutionary and can satisfy our customers’ need. We even had to make a prototype of the backpack we designed and made an amazon website link for our product. We learnt to think out of the box.

In the evening, we got to play ‘capture the flag’ with our international friends we made and had a great time running and catching people. It was really fun and we enjoyed it a lot. We’re really looking forward to the next day!


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