Stanford day 4 Group 3

13th July, 2018
Stanford Day 4 Group 3
Following our daily routine, we had our “message in the music” lesson with the teacher, Ashley, after breakfast. The lesson was mind-blowing and awestruck as we all came up with our personal anthem that empowered us when we felt vulnerable. We then also created a brief story and found songs that conveyed the message of the story. We were definitely impressed by the power of music.
After lunch, we had our second lesson, “democracy why or why not”, with Geoffery and we learnt a lot on the benefits and drawbacks of democracy. We further understood different political systems in different times at different places. The lesson was educational and informative.

Finally it’s the highlight of the day- multi-cultural exhibition. Our group was introducing Chinese calligraphy to students from other countries by writing blessings on spring couplets. Through different forms of presentations such as dancing, singing, drama performing etc, we have learnt the diverse cultures from the Brazilian, Pilipino and Cyprus. It was truly fun and eye-opening as we discovered the differences in all our cultures. This exhibition was a great success and it was an awesome opportunity to bond with other people with diverse culture backgrounds. The effort that each group contributed to the event made it a great success and created a memory that will last forever.


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