Stanford Group 2 Day 10

Stanford Group 2 Day 10 (19/7/2018)

Today is another day of engaging lessons and panel talks, where we were exposed to knowledge that changes our decisions and attitudes upon facing challenges.

Our day started with a lesson on quality decision making with our teacher, Miss Dana . She taught us the appropriate steps on making a wise decision, through an interactive game of investment. We've fully understood about the essentialness of being clear on our values, able to make proper reasoning, and being mindful of the resources in hand when making decisions. The scenario case study on teenagers making critical, life-changing decisions on the cliff of Himalayas was thought-provoking and has reminded us not to fall into the decision traps, like banning any advice or deciding merely by fluctuating emotions. We were reminded that better decisions do not guarantee better outcome, yet they give better lives. This was a useful lesson where everyone was inspired deeply.

We soon had an informative lesson on Genomics, Data and Cancer, by our teacher, Lauren Sanders. We were exposed into deep information on different kinds of cancer cells, and genes that are important for cancer, through role plays as a doctor and interactive activities on our laptops. It is interesting for us to know that cancer cells are in fact just normal cells which ignore signals of death, and that it is protein, not DNA or RNA, that makes cancer cell function abnormally. We also explored on the gender difference in different kinds of cancer distribution, where men are more likely to have prostate cancer and women are more likely to have uterine cancer. This was an intriguing lesson of biology, where each of us took away a lot on cancer information.

Lastly, we had a panel talk on Entrepreneurship by four entrepreneurs. It was highly appealing and informative as we were exposed to various business set-up experiences. One of the guests reminded us that being successful in a new business doesn't mean that you have to bring up a brand new idea, as no one has ever heard of it and be interested in. What really makes a business on the right track is  building up on a current idea, where you identify the existing problems, and take action to improve it. We have understood that failure doesn't always have to be a bad thing, as it is an opportunity for us to learn and improve.

In conclusion, today was a day of inspiring lessons and talks which have strengthened our ability to solve and face future problems and challenges ahead.


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