Stanford Group 5 Day 3

We started off with “Democracy: Why or Why Not?” with Geoffrey Upton who introduced  us to different regimes like democracy, theocracy, autocracy and kakistocracy. We were also asked to think about the advantages and problems that democracy brings. It was really refreshing and new for us as we don’t really get to explore these topics in our school curriculum. We were also encouraged to ask ourselves ‘Why’ whenever we made a statement; we were compelled to think outside the box and provide answers to seemingly simple questions that we don’t really think about. It really pushed  successfully allowed us to see the topic at a different angle. The discussions were also really inspiring since it could further deepen our knowledge and insight to the issue.

After that, we had a scrumptious lunch that included a lot of Asian food like the Korean chicken and Korean potato noodles and we made our way to our Visual Storytelling class with Joel Simon. It was a very interactive class as he brought us around the campus and taught about the skills of taking pictures as we went along. We went up the tallest tower (the Hoover Tower) in Stanford that overlooked the fountain and the Green Library which was the largest library on the campus. The view was stunning and we had a lot of fun taking selfies and of the scenery there. The staff was also really nice to tell us the history of Stanford. It was eye-opening for us to learn about the importance of the story behind a picture and how much composition and lighting could alter the picture.

Lastly, we took part in the multicultural exhibition which was extremely lively and animated. We delved into other participants’ cultures and ended by dancing and singing in the night. We also took the initiative to let others into some of our own customs and just made it a common goal to have fun.

We ended our day with the house meeting where we reflected and talked about our day.


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